Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Corn Dogs Recipe

Corn Dogs Recipe

Going to have a Party or a Gathering for the kids or the Grown-ups. Well here is the perfect meal or treat that everyone will love.  It comes complete with a handle and a coating that is sure to please. 

Get some dipping sauces and you can never have enough of them, with all the different varieties, it will never keep anyone back asking for more. Now I would advise you to make some extra and store them in the fridge, for I know you will need them. So just pre-make them for your Party,  then "heat and serve" them in the micro, oven or pan, they will always turn out awesome. 

Please et us know how yours turned out, how your friends or Family liked them and what sauces did you serve. 



1 Cup - All purpose flour
1/2 Cup - Corn meal or corn flour
1 Tsp. - Baking powder
1/2 Cup - Milk, plus some extra
3 Tbsps. - Sugar
1 Tsp. - Salt

 1 - Egg

For more information, please see video below;


Here I am using some hotdogs that are made especially for children. They are 85% meat with some veggie added to them. 

Now you can use your favorite hot dogs,  you could use turkey or chicken also, it would turn out the same. So that really depends on you, come on "give it a try". 

Again I will remind everyone that if you use these type of sticks, please remove the sharp tips from the end. After all, I do not want anyone hurt when they are going to eat them. 

The tips are extremely sharp. 

Remember to soak the wood sticks in plain water for about 20 minutes before using them. In this way, they will not burn when added to the hot oil. 

Push the wooden stick all the way in about 3/4 of the way. It is not necessary to go right through to the other end.

I like to use corn meal because I find that it gives a more full and all-round hearty taste to the corndogs. Now if you want you can use some corn flour instead. Anyway, you do it, it will turn out awesome.

Drop your hot dog all the way in and twist it around for the batter to stick to the meat. Allow it to drip a little while you are constantly twisting it to get an uninformed coating. Please be careful dropping the corn dog into the hot oil, for it could splash back. 


Corn Dogs Recipe

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