Monday, April 20, 2015

Creamy Scalloped Potatoes

Creamy Scalloped Potatoes

Nothing goes better then these potatoes as a side dish to your main meal. In fact I usually have them just as they are, with nothing else for they are that good. 

I know your whole family and friends will keep asking you for more and why not have some extra on hand for they freeze very will. Just  pop them into your microwave and in a few minutes, you have some extra to go all-around a second time. 

After all,  it is really only a three ingredience  recipe and it can be made in no time and even faster if you have the readymade Boursin cheese on hand. 

Please let me know how yours turned out and did you add anything else to it. 



1 1/2 Lbs. -  Potatoes

1 Pkg. - Boursin cheese
1/3 Cup - Whipping or heavy cream
Whole milk as needed
1/2 Med. - Onion
Salt to taste

Homemade Boursin Cheese 
1 Pkg. - Plain cream cheese
1/2 Cup - Butter
1/2 Tbsp. - Garlic salt
1/2 Tbsp. - Oregano
1/2 Tbsp. - Basil (Option)
1/3 Tbsp. - Dill
1/2 Tbsp. - Marjoram
1/2 Tbsp. - Thyme

For more information, please see video below.


That depends on the slice. I like to slice them as thin as possible for in this way then cheese bonds better to the potatoe and it cooks a lot faster. 

Also in this manner it helps the dish to become more creamy and smooth by blending in better with the sauce. The thinner  the better, by hand or machine, it will turn out awesome. 

Boursin cheese can be found in any large grocery store, you should have no problems getting it.

Now, I prefer to make my own and in this way I can add in what I like to make it better for me.

Add only a little bit of milk at a time. We do not want the cheese too thick nor too watery.

Keep on whisking it for a few minutes until all the lumps are gone and it becomes very smooth. 

Adding the potatoes does not have to be a chore, just make sure every layer is reasonably covered. If it makes your life a bit easier then you can double up on the layers and that will  be fine. 

Not all ovens are the same and operate at different temperatures, so please keep an eye on the dish. 

If you see that after about 3/4 of the baking, that the top is becoming too brown, too fast, then lower the temperature a little bit. 


Creamy Scalloped Potatoes

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