Thursday, May 1, 2014

10 Reasons Why Jogging Is Good For You.

10 Reasons Why Jogging Is Good For You.

1 -  A fast weight loss
By doing a regular jogging program for at least 2 to three times, a week combined with a diet eating program will give you the fastest weight reduction. Let’s say that you are around the 65 to 75 Kg. range and when you start, you feel that you are just wobbling around, out of breath when jogging, but you managed to get to finish a Kilometer.  Well then, that would be about 300 or so calories that you have lost per kilometer, even if you think that you did not accomplish much.  In fact, in a Month with two jogs a week would  give you an approximately 2,400 calories gone.  Now that is a weight lost with just a minimum of an exercise plan.

2 - Reduce the risk of a heart attack
Jogging is an aerobic exercise and thus helps and improves your body’s ability to deliver oxygen to your muscles. Very simply, the more you exercise the better you heart works and reduces the factors of a heart attack. Also, every part of you becomes more efficient in the blood flow of your cardiovascular system, blood pressure control, more  energy and give you an all round feeling of well being.

3 - Increase of good HDL cholesterol

HDL cholesterol works like a cleaner picking up bad LDL cholesterol from your blood and removes it to your liver to be excreted from your body. Excess Ldl can be dangerous to your cardiovascular system by causing built-up and blocks or can restrict blood flow to your heart and can cause a heart attack. HDL cholesterol can be boosted   By improving your fitness levels by just a few workout a week.

4 - Builds strong and healthy bones
When you put your bones under stress like jogging it cause’s a weight-bearing reaction on your bone system,  so, in turn,  your body response’s  back by increasing your bone mineral density that makes your bones much more strong and resilient.  This makes them  less likely to break and reduces the chances of getting osteoporosis.

5 -  Prevents diabetes
A less active lifestyle is one of the risk factors for type-2 diabetes, as is the overweight person.  By jogging on a regular basis can help with both of these problems.

6 - Improve your immunity system
Your immunity system fights off bacteria and viruses from your body and the stronger it is the better it will work. Regular exercise helps stimulate the production of cells that fight off any ailments in your system. Also having a stronger system will also help prevent more serious illnesses   that are more life threatening from starting.

7 - It improves mental fitness
By doing regular cardiovascular exercises like jogging or any other physical activity  will lead to the release of more production of endorphins. These chemicals in the brain have the ability to produce a sense of happiness and the state of well-being.  Not to mention the ability to help reduce stress and improve your confidence and self-esteem.

8 -  Sleep like a baby
By jogging or doing a cardiovascular exercise can set you natural inner clock by putting you in a relaxed mood at night with a pleasurable feeling of  falling asleep and thus gives you a more deep sleep that makes you more awake and less tired in the morning and  for your daily routines.

9 -  Improve your sex life
It’s a well-known fact that by having a healthy body will give you a better sex life. By exercising more, it will increase your body’s circulation blood flow also it reduces stress and thus helps you in the right department when you need it.

10 -  Makes you feel better
After awhile you will get into a state that you will have the feeling of springs under your feet and  you find that the day is not so tiring anymore. Your daily tasks will be  lot more easy and you will still have more energy left at the end of the day. In a nutshell, a regular exercise program will give you more energy and resistance to your life. 

Just try out my new running Programs One and Two for Beginners.   

Program One 

Program Two 

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