Thursday, April 2, 2015

Cod In Cream Sauce - Bacalhau Com Natas

Cod In Cream Sauce - Bacalhau Com  Natas

This recipe brings out my memories of my Mom making this dish in the Kitchen. I can remember, being so small and young seeing that awful looking salted fish on the table all cutted up and soaking in a bowl,  in water. 

Soon it was the next day and the aroma of the olive oil, the potatoes coming through with the fish that for some reason has a pleasant  aroma, not a fishy one. It still makes me think of home when I make it and all my good thoughts come through of my Portuguese Home of the past with my parents. 

Years back in the Azorian Islands the poor fisherman did not have any refrigerator to store the freshly caught fish. Not even an icebox did the have.  They would preserve their fish by drying them in the sun and then salting them for future use.  

Now, this Cod or Bacalhau a salted fish came all the way from Eastern America where they are a lot of  cod. So off went the fishermen all across the Atlantic to the other side to get the caught. As they caught them, then they would clean them and preserve them in salt for the trip back home. 

Now this  Bacalhau at that time was considered a poor Mans dish and the elite would not touch it for there was fresher fish to have a proper meal. As time went by, this fish has grown to be one of the finest dishes money can buy, from a five-star Restaurant to the modest family home. Over time, this fish has  grown not only in popularity but also in price, from one of the cheapest fish to one of the most expensive. 

So here it is, a real old fashion recipe and is guaranteed  to be a Portuguese tradition right in your own home. 



1  lbs. -  Bacalhau ( Codfish) salted or not salted.

1 1/2 Lbs. - Potatoes
4 Sm. - Onions
1 to 2 Cloves - Garlic
4 to 6 - Whole peppercorns
1/4 Tsp. - Black pepper
1/4 Cup - Olive oil

3 - Hard-boiled eggs
2 Tbsp. -  Dry or fresh parsley
1/4 Cup - Black olives

For more information, please see video below. 


Bacalhau  usually come in a heavily salted, so then you will have to prepare the cod before you can use it. 
Cover the cod with cold water overnight and change the water about three times, drain off the water completely each time. 

The cod has been unsalted and I did trim all fins on it. Also, I do not like to remove the fish skin for when it is cooked it then tends to fall apart. The skin also helps keep the fish from overcooking. The potatoes should be cooked only until a fork can easily go into it. 

This fish does not require  too much cooking time and if you cook it too long then the cod will become tasteless and  hard. 

When making the roux please  keep the heat no higher than medium because there is a chance of burning it. 

Also it is very important to keep on stirring throughout the whole cooking in this stage,  in order to get it as smooth as possible. 

Again, keeping the heat on medium and do not stop stirring while you are adding the egg yolk. After all, we want a nice and creamy  sauce, not scrabble eggs.

Remove all the fish meat and please pay attention to making sure that all the bones are removed, especially if children will be having this. 

Now you can also keep the cod skin if you like, but I find that most really do not like it. 

The boiled eggs and the potatoes can also be diced if you prefer. After all,  it is your dish to enjoy any way you dice it. 


Cod In Cream Sauce - Bacalhau Com  Natas

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By Cookingaround

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1 comment:

  1. it is so amazing that you still remember your mother while you making this menu love it :) Thank you for sharing :) private chef in austin texas
