Friday, May 30, 2014

My Weight Loss Story.

My Weight Loss  Story

At One Point In Life

At one point a few years ago I realized that something had to be done with my weight, I was 235 lbs. (106.5 Kg). It even got that I had a problem tying up my own shoelaces for my stomach was enlarged. 

Just like a lot of others, I tried many diet systems, bought a lot of books, joined a fitness Club, but continued to struggle with my weight. 

After I started to have breathing problems and finding that I was getting sick more often, I got a reality check. So I went to see my Doctor and was told that I would not last long if I continued with my present lifestyle. 

I needed to change everything if I wanted a decent life and a future.

Same Clothes As First Pic.
Well,  I knew that I had to get something going soon, very soon. So I started to forget all things about all the diet systems that I tried before and failed.

I grabbed my notebook, measuring tools, pots, and pans, and of course "Mr. Google" and started to create a food system that was made custom for my body and that could help me lose weight and control it.

Magic Diet Soup was born after about a few tries with the soup.  I  finally got it just right. " Magic Diet Soup "

I started to just eat the Soup for about a week and then "wow" !!, I lost weight, but I knew that most of it was only water at first, so I tried to stay cool about the results.  After the first week, I lost about  8 pounds and was happy and I had to say that I did feel better because of all that fiber going through my system, it did give me a better feeling of well being.

Keep On Going, No Choice Do Or Die. 

Now that I did this for a week and finished "now what", where do I go from here. So it was back to the Kitchen to drum some other foods to keep up my diet plan. What I came up with was my "In Between Soups"  Magic Diet Soup # 3, The In-Between Soup that  I would eat usually for Lunch every day, but what about some protein and more of a solid type food, for with just soup, I knew that I would not last long on this diet and I could make myself sick.

Well. then I started to change the way I ate and added meat protein in small portions into my Diet and concentrated on having this for my Lunch and now switching the soups for the evening meal,  for in this way I found it worked better for me and my system. As for breakfast, I had eggs but no more the 3 times a week with a light salad, also during the week I also had high fiber cereals with skim milk and a lot of oatmeal.  

Now I know "what happens when I get hungry?   "In between meals",   well  I ate more fruit and plenty of raw vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, celery, etc., I found this worked for me and the weight was coming off and this time it was not water but the fat leaving my body.

I got to a point that the weight was coming off, but again I knew that I needed some type of exercise in order to further remove the weight and get me in better shape. Now I am really lazy about it and all things associated with exercising, I dreaded getting started. 

So I finally decide to start to run, why?, because I was lazy and this had to be the simplest form of doing it. 

 Right?  Wrong !!   

When I started to run for the first time, I could not even do 100 yds, I was out of breath, had a burning pain in my lungs and my legs were giving up on me. So my first attempt sent me into a slight depression, for how was I going to do this?  Now I knew that I had to try and if others can run hundreds of miles, then I should be able to run at least 1/2 of one. I would do it if I had to kill myself trying, for it was either getting it done or go back the way I was and that would surely kill me.

So I started, really slow at first by walking and jogging for about a month slowly adding more and more distance in yds. until I could do my first month's program until I could do it with ease. Here is my first running program that I designed for my training for the first month of running.  Running Program One     

After the second month, I noticed that the weight was just flying off and "boy !!' was I excited, I just wanted more. So in the following month, I created my second  Running program #2, please check it here for my second month.  Running Program Two

14.01 Km. Run

One of my usual runs along the river, life is good for me now. Now, this shows here that I did a 14.01 Kms. (8.6 miles) run, but remember, was this not the same person that could not even do 100 yds in the beginning.


Now today I run up to 2 to 3 times a week and enjoy it, I run like I feel like I have wings on my back. My weight is completely under control and maintained where I want it. I have super energy, I sleep like a baby, almost never get tired, hardly get sick, my Girlfriend never complains (wink), and  "yes" I can tie my shoelaces with ease now. I just feel great and my Doctor says that I'm a picture of health inside and out.

Please join me as a  Runner on the program I use  Runtastic App.  (free site) and become my friend so I can cheer you on and encourage you. Just search for  Anthony C   Click here -  once you join to find me.

I have to say the  Soups and my running programs help me get to where I am today. In the above "After" above picture, I finally went down to 160 lbs. (72.5 kg.), but as for today I lost a bit more where I maintain it now and  I'm very happy at  152 lbs. ( 68.9 kg.).  with a 30 inch  (76.2 cm.) coming from a 44 inch  (111.76 cm. ) waist.

It was not easy and I did go up and down, but by going one step ahead forward and making this not a diet for your life, but a Lifestyle is the only way for you to get there. Remember there is no Magic here but there is very strong magic in oneself when you really want something and go out and do it.

I hope and wish everyone on your way to better health and please note that I'm here for you if you need some encouragement or further information. Please feel free to comment.

Remember that " Beauty Starts From The Inside".

Anthony Carapinha

Please share with your Family and Friends, below; 


  1. I want to know .. if celery root is not available.. can I skip it.. or is it necessary part of diet soup?

    1. You can use really any starches like potatoes or rice, but celery root is the best. Find the root at any Europian or Chinese food areas.

  2. heloo i wanted to knw in how many months have u been able to do ur regime.. anyways great respect for ur man :) its realy dificult to hav such a success with diet

    1. I really started to lose the weight I wanted after about 8 months or so. Now its been a few years and the weight is still under control...:)

  3. Wow that's cool you lose all that weight

    1. Thankyou, it was not easy but I need it done and I did it. Now I still have to be careful, not to put the weight back on, 3 years and I am still right on...:)

  4. Can I eat oatmeal with skum milk for breakfast or eggs or yoghurt with less sugar? I need help with breakfast options

  5. I ate a ton of oatmeal with skin milk and a touch of pure honey. Boiled eggs are fine, also low-fat yogurt is ok. Whole wheat cereals are also good...:)

  6. Hello Tony ;)
    Can I know more about the diet ?
    I want to try it ..I'm sure i can do it ;D

  7. Please look through my list on under "Magic Diet Loss" on the top right side and find the BEST diet plan for you.....:) Then keep it up with my other diet soups to control the wight loss..

  8. Hi Tony, I just made the soup for the first time and its amazing. tastes good and I am sure if I follow a guide I will loose some weight

    1. Awesome, please keep in touch and if you need help "I am here"...:)

  9. Thank you for the soup recipe. Which stores in US sell vegetable stock cubes?
