Saturday, January 11, 2014

Instant Noodle Soup -- Budget Recipe

Instant Noodle Soup --  Budget Recipe  

As I was going shopping for many years I was noticing  how many people were buying these  small soup cups and  noodles in a package.  I just had to buy one and try it for myself, for after all I found out that it was a  billion dollar seller around the world, so it had to be good, right?

Wrong, what I got was some pasta with a small package with a small amount of a powdery substance.  I followed the instructions on the package and had it all souped up and  I have to say that it was “awful” and the salt content  was around  800ml.  in sodium.  How could anyone like that !!  Was it because of the low price, conveyance of a very fast food  or the taste, after all  I must be wrong because they sell millions per  day worldwide.  So !!

So  I just cannot give up on this recipe for it’s just too popular.  I had a challenge so it was off  to the kitchen  and experiment,  experiment    until I got it right. My result was a fast “Instant Noodle Soup” that  is low in sodium,  done in 3 mins, really cheaper than their products  and really tastes good.

I really hope that you try this and please let me know how it turned out. 



1 to 1/2 Cups -  Egg noodles
1/2 Tsp. - Low or no salt veggie stock

Bean noodles.
Reg. Pasta noodles

1/2 Cube - Meat stock
1/2 Cube - Chicken stock


Make sure that you follow the products instruction on the cooking timings because depending on what type of pasta use can make a big different. 

I like my soup with just a little water so I drain the water to about 1/4 of an inch below the pasta line. Now if you like it more as a soup, then leave it with water to about  1/4 to 1/2 inch above the pasta line. Either way it will turn out good. 

Try it with other types of  stock from anywhere from chicken, meat, mushrooms and other types from around the world. It will be like a  "different experience"  every time. 

There is sooooo many types of  pasta around that you could be having a different one for every day of the month.


Instant Noodle Soup --  Budget Recipe

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